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6 From High&Low The Worst Subtitles English

(Kazuma Kawamura), Seiji Kirihara (Jin Shirasu), Shinya Oochi (Yuta Nakatsuka), Masaya Oochi (Hayato Komori), Madoka Ishii (Miu Tomita) and Arata Maekawa (Masato Yano) are friends and they grew up together. They gather together to celebrate Seiji's birthday. The friends dig out a time a capsule they buried 10 years ago. They also write a letter to themselves for 10 years in the future and place it into a new time capsule. Afterwards, the friends experience tragedy.

Full Episodes:

Episode 1st 
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Episode 2nd 
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Episode 3rd 
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Episode 4th 
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Episode 5th 
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Episode 6th 
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1 comment

  1. Hi dear, Would you please check the links for Episodes 1 2 3?
    Thank you so much for the Eng Sub ♥️
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